Outfit details:
Happy Friday! This is a post that I have been wanting to write for a long time. Despite this being a very public forum, (hello, I post photos of myself on the internet) I keep things very light and tend not to get too deep or personal. Well, we're switching things up today, because predictability gets a little boring after a while, don't you think?

Hands-down, my favorite compliment to receive is along the lines of "you are such a positive person" or "you always find the good in everything." There is truly no other compliment that gives me as much joy or fulfillment. After these comments, I am often asked how I've come to be this way, so I am going to share a few of my tips on how I live life 'glass half full.'

1. Don't stay upset about things you cannot control.
If there is nothing you can do to change a situation, why stay angry about it? Easier said than done, I know, but notice the key word stay angry. Of course it is completely normal and rational to get upset about things out of our control, but I 100% believe that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know it at the time.
2. Make a list of simple things that bring you joy, and do at least one of them every day.
Whether it be exercising, reading, or listen to music, there are simple things we can do each day that take hardly any extra time at all. Even if you had a really crappy day, make doing one of these things a priority. I promise, the simple things can make your day even a little bit better. My list: drinking a cup of hot tea before bed, going on long walks, listening to my favorite radio show on my morning commute (any other Bobby Bones fans out there?!), blogging, and watching Friends!
3. Find the Silver Lining.
I know it may seem near impossible to find in even the darkest of situations, but if you look hard enough, I promise it's there. Even in my worst memories, I cling to the Silver Lining and what it has taught me. Whether its a breakup and what you learned from it, or feeling lucky to have known someone who has passed away, and having all of those memories to cherish.
Over the years, and especially within the past year, I've learned that life is short. Way too short. And if we only get one go at this, why not live it with all we've got?
I can't say this is a sure-fire way to become a more positive person, and I am certainly not a licensed professional. But these three little tips have gotten me though a lot, and I hope they are helpful for you too. Do you have any tips on being more positive?
These are all such wonderful tips. Thank you so much for sharing :)